Who Are The Friends of Mt Spokane
The Friends of Mt. Spokane State Park was formed in 1995 as a means for coordinating volunteer involvement in the Park and as a vehicle for raising funds to support Park projects. It became a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization in 1996. It is governed by a 15-member, broadly based, volunteer board of directors which meets several times a year. Meetings are open to all and offer an opportunity to present and discuss issues affecting Park management, use, and protection with Park staff and volunteers.
The Mt. Spokane State Park Advisory Committee was formed just prior to the Friends Group in 1995 with members chosen by the Director of the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. The mission of that group was to assist in the creation of a consensus-based master plan for the Park. Since that objective was achieved, the Committee was formally dissolved in 2013.
Early 19th Century-1946
19th Century - Long before Mt. Spokane State Park became a haven for winter and summer recreation, Native Americans considered the summit of Mt. Spokane an ideal site for spiritual pilgrimages.
1909-1912 - Frances Cook, owner of the summit, builds a toll road and a cabin within 3/4 mile of the summit.
1927 - Mt. Spokane State Park is officially dedicated at 1500 acres.
1929 - H. Cowles, Jr. donates 640 acres of land to the park.
1930s - The Spokane Ski Club, the Selkirk Ski Club, and the Spokane Mountaineers purchase over 500 acres on the mountain for construction of lodges, rope-tows, and ski jump hills. The road is completed to the summit.
1933 - Vista House is built by E.O Fieldstad, a local contractor. Caretaker’s cabin (which came to be known as Cook’s Cabin) is also built.
1934 - Civilian Conservation Corps sets up camp for 200 young unemployed men on Beauty Mtn. to improve the roads and construct other facilities.
1939 - The Spokane Chapter of the Conservation League buys 320 acres for the
Park for $1500 (south half of Section 21) to save virgin timber from logging and fire.
1940 - The Grand Lodge is completed near Cook’s Cabin but burned to the ground just before an addition was finished in 1952.
1946 - The first double chair lift in the world is put into operation on the south face of the summit for 3 seasons.
1953 KXLY-TV - becomes operational from the summit.
1955 - Lodge #1 and Chairlift #1 are constructed.
1961 - Concessionaire A.E.Mettler constructs Lodge #2 and Lift #2
1965 - Another master plan is developed by State Parks to include 11,592 acres of land, 958 of which were allocated for general outdoor recreation with the remainder to be administered as a “natural environment area.” This plan is not adopted by the Parks Commission.
1974 - Mt. Spokane Park’s official classification is changed from Recreation area to State Park, and the following philosophy is applied: “State Parks are to continuously service man’s spiritual, mental, and leisure time physical needs through the use of selected outstanding natural resources. this is to be accomplished by providing a full range of non-urban outdoor educational and recreational services and opportunities to a wide range of users with diversified interests and needs.”
1978 - A Coordinated Trail System plan is developed to, among other things, reduce conflicting recreational uses by specific allocation of park lands to user groups. The plan quickly became out of date and was never fully implemented.
1985 - The Parks Commission formally designates the Ragged Ridge Natural Area within Mt. Spokane State Park.
1993 - The Park contains about 13,643 acres of land, not including Quartz Mountain. Most of this land was donated or obtained during the Great Depression through property forfeitures. The Mt. Spokane State Park Alpine Ski Area Working Group Interface Subcommittee issues a report concerning the future of the Park. Among other things, it recommends a comprehensive planning process.
1994 - State Parks proposes to classify areas of the Park as Natural Forest Areas. Several alternatives are proposed. The Mt. Spokane Planning Task Force Steering Committee is formed and issues its report. The group recommends a comprehensive planning process as well as the formation of a permanent, local Park advisory committee.
1995 - Mt. Spokane State Park Advisory Committee appointed by Parks Commission begins monthly meetings in Spokane. Friends of Mt. Spokane State Park also formed.
1997 - Mt. Spokane 2000, a non-profit group of local businesses and civic leaders, is approved as the new concessionaire for the alpine ski area to replace the Mt. Spokane Ski Corporation which operated the area for 20 years.
1999 - A Classification and Management Plan (CAMP) process was completed for the Park. New land classifications were approved including about 10% as Recreation Area, about 58% as Resource Recreation Area, less than 1% as Heritage Area, about 22% as Natural Forest Area, and about 4% as Natural Area Preserve. About 5% was left unclassified pending the completion of an alpine ski area expansion plan and further Commission consideration.
2010 - Master Facilities Plan completed.
2013 - Nordic ski area expands to over 60 km of groomed trails.
2018 - The 279-acre alpine ski expansion area opens with 7 new runs and a new triple chairlift.
Become a Friend of Mt Spokane
All contributions to the Friends of Mt Spokane are tax-deductible and go directly toward our efforts to enhance the programs and services of Mt Spokane State Park. All donors will receive our annual newsletter and be added to our email list.
Donate online or mail all checks to:
The Friends of Mt. Spokane State Park
c/o Ken Carmichael, Treasurer
10804 W. Seven Mile Road
Spokane, WA 99224
Volunteer With Us
If you are interested in volunteering at trail maintenance events or a park project, please click the button below and fill out the form. Someone will get in touch with you when opportunities arise.
Join the Board of Directors
If you are interested in serving on the Friends Group Board of Directors, please send a letter of interest to friends@mountspokane.org.